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                Yunji small eDonkey UA300 outdoor power bank

                Capacity: 81000mAh-UA300

                Both DC and AC can be charged to meet the simultaneous power supply needs of multiple electrical appliances and multiple digital devices. 1000+ cycles of charging, AC/TYPE-C/USB-QC/vehicle output.

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                product descriptionFeaturesScope of applicationDetailed description

                adaptationdevices with power below 300W, battery capacity 81000mAH, equipment Full battery life

                Faraday cage insulation design, aluminum alloy shell, fanless heat dissipation, physical isolation of the circuit, Ensure user safety

                Multiple input and output methods, supportQC3.0 fast Charging output, compatible with multi-device power supply, so that outdoor charging is no longer a problem

                220V pure sine wave output, with high stability and safety, output wave rate and market Electricity is the same, no damage to electrical appliances

                High-spec automotive-grade power batteries, obtained UL authoritative certification , The power display is true, safety and performance are both, and has a longer cycle life

                BMS battery management system, real-time dynamic monitoring of battery packs to prevent battery overcharge and overdischarge , Layers of protection, the battery is safer

                PD60W two-way fast charging, fast charging for mobile phones, notebooks, etc., and UA300 reverse Charging, the charging speed is as fast as thunder

                UA300 has a net weight of 3.5kg. The palms are close to each other to improve the comfortable experience of outdoor travel.

                Yunji eDonkey UA300 mobile power can be widely used in drone photography aerial photography

                Digital products, lighting equipment, self-driving travel, outdoor camping, outdoor fishing

                outdoor work, outdoor survey, outdoor shooting, outdoor office

                Medical rescue, family emergency, marine fishery and other power-consuming fields.

                020-22015329 address:15th Floor, Unit 2, Block 6, Jinsha Daduhui, No. 82 Huanzhou 2nd Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhoumailbox:2920650014@qq.com